Ike Wai Project Datasets

Geophysics – Continuous Ambient Noise Seismic Data

Geophysics – Continuous Ambient Noise Seismic Data

A multi‐hydrogeophysical study of a watershed at Kaiwi Coast (O‘ahu, Hawai‘i), using seismic ambient noise surface wave tomography and self‐potential data.
Geophysics – Makapuu/Kaiwi Coast Self Potential

Geophysics – Makapuu/Kaiwi Coast Self Potential

Results of a Self Potential survey off Makapuu/Kaiwi Coast of Oahu. The data helps the understanding and mapping of underground water circulations.
Groundwater Chemistry: Nutrient Data

Groundwater Chemistry: Nutrient Data

Groundwater geochemistry nutrient data, collected between November 2017 and March 2019. The dataset includes: Sample Name, Well ID, Longitude (dd), Latitude (dd), Time Stamp, pH, Temperature (C), Specific Conductance (uS/cm), Salinity, Dissolved oxygen (% and mg/L), Si (ug/L), PO4 (ug/L), NO3 & NO2 (ug/L), NH3 & NH4 (ug/L), TP (ug/L), TN (ug/L), and alkalinity (mg/L).
Groundwater Recharge – Watershed Protection

Groundwater Recharge – Watershed Protection

Prioritization of Hawaiʻi County watershed protection and restoration. This estimates recharge benefits through protecting native forest from invasion and conversion to non-native forest and non-native grassland.
Hawaiian Language Newspaper Translations

Hawaiian Language Newspaper Translations

Hawaiian Language nūpepa (newspapers) are a treasury of knowledge that document and provide insight to practices, traditions, and knowledge of old Hawaiʻi.
Kona Precipitation Chemistry

Kona Precipitation Chemistry

Precipitation chemistry data for all sampling trips in Kona, West Hawaiʻi. Data collected between August 2017 and November 2019 over twenty sites between central and west Hawaiʻi Island. The data include pH, precipitation (mm), fluoride (uM), chloride (uM), bromide (uM), sulfate (uM), sodium (uM), ammonium (uM), potassium (uM), magnesium (uM), calcium (uM), d18O (pmil) and dD (pmil).
Marine Geophysics

Marine Geophysics

The CSEM data acquired during an 8 day survey conducted Sep-Oct, 2019 offshore of the Kona coastline, west of Hawaii. 3 zipped files contain the following CSEM data/information: 1) CSEM raw data recordings (binary files). 2) Survey towlines time windows of the CSEM data recording. 3) Power spectrograms images of the recorded raw CSEM data.
Rainfall – Gridded Precipitation Data

Rainfall – Gridded Precipitation Data

Gridded monthly Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at 10 different time intervals from 1920 to 2012 at 250 m resolution for all main Hawaiian Islands excluding Ni’ihau.
Submarine Groundwater Discharge

Submarine Groundwater Discharge

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is groundwater leaking from a coastal aquifer into the ocean.  Chemical fingerprints of SGD can inform us where the water originates, what land-use it flows under, and how much time it spends in the aquifer.
Water Quality

Water Quality

A collection of locations in Hawai’i for which we have water quality data. The sites are searchable by location and filterable by site ID, name, and data provider. Results are downloadable.


All of Hawai’i’s available well data. The data is searchable by location and filterable by name, year drilled, and well ID. Available records include drilling and water use permits. Results are available for download.